Brew a cuppa, pull up your comfy chair, and scroll through the leaves of some ancient tomes...
William Lilly, English astrologer of the Renaissance published, in 1647, Christian Astrology, a huge compendium of the technique of horary astrology. This was the first of its kind to be printed in the English vernacular rather than in Latin.
Nicholas Culpeper was a Renaissance-era English botanist, herbalist, physician and astrologer, who following upon his contemporary, William Lilly, published in 1654, Opus Astrologicum: An Astrological Work Left to Posterity.
The Dead Sea Scrolls In Astrology by Rollan McCleary
Download (just below) The Zodiac Sign Names in the Dead Sea Scrolls by Helen R. Jacobus
A look at celestial events around the time of the nativity of the historical Jesus. An Astrologer Looks at the Star of Bethlehem